Poker Name Ideas
- PokerStars Screen Names Barry Greenstein-barryg1 Daniel Negreanu-DoubleSuited Scott Fischman-Emptyseat88 Hoyt Corkins-EasyH Erick Lindgren-EDOGN capnncoke - Chip Jett the shrike - Howard Lederer PateK - Simon 'Aces' Trumper Dblgutshot - Kirill Gerasimov Jdags - Jon Dagastino Brokski - Gus Hansen Boeken, Noah - Exclusive Bonomo, Justin - ZeeJustin Cassidy, Joe - Butch Acidy Darden, Paul - D.
- “Texas Dolly”, “Amarillo Slim”, and “Treetop” are just a few of the best poker player nicknames that date back to the good old days of poker. The WSOP was young and professional respectability was just a pipe dream.
Becoming a book club member is exciting: finally, you’re able to talk about the books you read with other people. However, it can be tricky to come up with the best book club names as there are so many things to consider.
I got to thinking, What would I name a book club? and after a bit of brainstorming I realised that I have a real trouble naming things without using puns. Especially with literature, my mind always tries to find the quirky, funny title for things.
Bellow, there are 50+ book club names you can feel free to use: for books you read with boozy companions, for feminist book clubs, your local library book club…I also added a few ideas you can adopt when creating a themed or more specific book club. Don’t forget the most important, though: whatever name you choose, reading together is meant to be fun, and the book club members make the rules of the club. You can also find a printable graphic at the end of this post!
This is a discussion on Best Poker Nicknames within the online poker forums, in the General Poker section; Hi all,Oneybiggs here. Tell us the best or most amusing nicknames you've seen or thought.
Boozy Book Club Names
You’ve got a group of friends who love both reading and drinking, so you decide to make the best of this combination. Naming the club can go from a general name, to the more specific drinking habits of the group.
- The Whiners
- The RUMagers
- The Bookaholics
- The Book Clubbing Club
- Gin And Books
- Brandy New Book Club
Badass Club Names
Poker Tournament Name Ideas
Feeling that reading is the most badass thing you can do? Well, you are absolutely right!
Here are a few of the names I’d chosen for the most badass of book clubs:
- The Wild Readers
- TBR & DNF Book Club; listen, you need courage to admit that your To Be Read pile is starting to haunt you, or to admit that are these many books you didn’t finish reading, so why not create a book club where you all discuss the books you didn’t finish reading, or still want to read but didn’t get around to do it, and feel a bit better about it?
- The Stoer Book Club (stoer—pronounced stoor—is the Dutch word for badass, and it sure sounds like it!)
- But I Progress Book Club
- The C Word Book Club
- The Book Warriors
- Outrage Book Club
- The Book Watchers; now this last one can go along with a movie vs book debate. While there are people who claim that no movie is ever better than the book, Book Riot has got a few exceptions.
Feminist Club Names
Feminism is still seen by some people (who certainly do not live in 2020) as a dirty word, and we must strive to change that. Offering our time and attention to the wonderful women writers out there is one great way to do fight for equality.
- The Riveting Book Club
- 8th Of March Book Club
- The Book Sisters
- Emancipate Book Club
- The Book Feminists
- Uterial Motives
- Speak Up Book Club
- Speak Your Mind Book Club
- The Khalo-doscopes
- What Is Eyre Book Club
- Austempowerment Book Club
Of course, you can easily opt to name your feminist book club with the name of your favourite feminist author, like Maya Angelou Book Club. Simple, and easy, and straight to the point.
Cheesy Book Club Names
Well, we can argue that most of the names I came up with so far could fit into this category, but I went the extra mile just for you.
- The Bookworms
- The Book Sitters
- Books With A Crew
- The Book Hoarders
- The Mind Readers
- How To Book
- All Booked
- Book Ends Book Club
There’s also a high chance I misunderstood the request and I really was asked for cheese-lovers book club names, so here are a few extra to cover all your needs:

- A Gouda Book Book Club
- Agree To Diss A Brie Book Club
- Edam Good Read Book Club
- Parmesan To Read Book Club
- Stilton Of Books In TBR Pile Book Club
(Let’s pretend I never wrote these.)
Library Book Club Names
Starting a book club in your town’s library? Here are a few ideas.
- The-liberate Book Club
- Check ‘Em Out Book Club
- The Magic Cart Book Club
- Due Date Book Club
- The Selection Book Club
- Fine Reading Book Club
- Booklastic Book Club
- The Bib Book Club (biblioteca, or bibliotheek are just two translations for library—in this case, Portuguese and Dutch words—and I think they make for a very nice library book club name)
Poker Team Name Ideas
Children Book Club Names
- Where The Wild Books Are Book Club
- Book Web Book Club
- The Very Bookish Caterpillar
- The Garden Of Books
- Adventures In Bookland Book Club
- Bridge To Fantasy Book Club
- The Book Wizards
There are a few formulas to come up with the perfect book club name, and they are, of course, a personal choice, based on personal preferences. If any of those above struck a chord, feel free to use them and share with others!
Want to start your own book club and have no idea how to go about it? Book Riot can help! Check out our post on How To Start A Book Club, the best book club discussion questions, and here are some must-read book club suggestions for this year!
Do you have interest in rowing, and races? If yes then you are definitely looking for good crew team names which goes perfect with your group. Crew is a hardcore sports game where group participates with their long skinny boats, and they have to dedicate hours practicing on the water to win the race. All above, it is more fun with a group of friends who share same interests etc. The event is similar to any sports event where teenagers from schools participate and form a team. But, what should be your crew team names?
A crew team name is all your choice. We all want to go for a unique and creative, funny names that stands out from the other teams. A catchy or captivating name also attracts more eyes. You can add an adjective to define the crew members as you know how everyone is. Another idea is to think of any idea that the crew team does together and enjoy doing it. Keep brainstorming for any interesting name until you find something that’s interesting, unique and creative at the same time. Furthermore, you can also use our list of 150 crew team names ideas for inspiration or just choose one for your team.
Cream Team Names Ideas
- A league of our own
- Alien panthers
- Angry beavers
- Awesome blossoms
- Awkward turtles
- Babes in red
- Back street girls
- Bad cats
- Ball of duty
- Bandits
- Beyond your imagination
- Bipolar bunnies
- Black and blues
- Black shorts
- Black thunder
- Blazing bambis
- Bloody penguins
- Blue rockets
- Blue smashers
- Boom boom bang
- Boozing idiots
- Bossy pants
- Bow and row
- Bravehearts
- Brother at arms
- Can’t be stopped
- Charming chicks
- Cinnamon chicks
- Cool name pending
- Dancing demons
- Death at the net
- Death whisperers
- Dolls with balls
- Dolphin dolls
- Dragon slayers
- Dumbbell doors
- Electric currents
- Emerald stars
- Empty heads
- Explorers
- Fake madrid
- Falcons
- Fart sniffers
- Fear this
- Fire hunks
- Fire rockets
- Flame boys
- Floaters
- Flower charms
- Fly girls
- Friendly alligators
- Galactic Girls
- Get rowing
- Green galaxy
- Grey sharks
- Hold the mayo
- Holly Rollers
- Hot women
- Hurricane rush
- Huskies
- In deep ship
- Knock knock knockers
- Labor force of nature
- Last picks
- Lead riders
- Little rascals
- Look out crew
- Lord of the pins
- Lovable ladies
- Matching T-shirts
- Mavericks
- Men in blue
- Miracle workers
- Movers and shakers
- Non stop action
- Orange dots
- Orange snakes
- Pacific sharks
- Partners at large
- Peach power
- Pink butterflies
- Pony tails
- Purple dragons
- Razzle dazzle
- Red storm
- Red strikers
- Rhythmic routes
- River rollers
- Rowin’ dirty
- Running rapids
- Running rebels
- Rush hour
- Scoring angels
- Seals and tusks
- Shadow warriors
- Shake it up
- Silver bullets
- Silver stars
- Slime green
- Split ends
- Stone crushers
- Sultans of swing
- Sunshine shooters
- Super heroes in training
- Sweet sours
- The badgers
- The better team
- The cow tippers
- The crazy bunch
- The data dirt devils
- The destiny kings
- The drifters
- The fabulous partners
- The fantastic five
- The four canals
- The grass stains
- The killer crew
- The mad artists
- The magnificient seven
- The manhandlers
- The master race
- The mullet mafia
- The nations top
- The new crew
- The old partners
- The proud crowd
- The rebels
- The six boys
- The spanish five
- The super squad
- The triple hits
- The untouchables
- The waiver wire
- Thunder Bolt
- Tony tigers
- Toothless crocodiles
- Tragic magic
- Unsinkable
- Vitamin sea
- Voodoo dolls
- Water adventurers
- Water dragons
- Water heroes
- Wave runners
- We are too old for this
- We got the runs
- We match
- Weekend warriors
- Woozy bankers
- Words of wisdom
Got so many crew team names? Ask your team members, and think what name suits to your team. You can even pick a funny name because it does stand out or merge the above names and come up with a new name. Your crew team should be recognized by the cool name! Go ahead, and choose a name for your awesome crew team.